If the person has faith in God and does prayer to God every day with discipline, God listens to that person.

If you have true faith in God, prayer to God is an effective medium for constant communication with God. When a person desires something that is not considered a bad thing, it is one of the powerful forces within the human to gain something in life… The person can move their desire towards obtaining God, so the desire to obtain God or obey God’s rules is one of the most important things and helps you not stray from God. Once desire fulfill is replaced with a stronger desire to achieve, the person cannot become happy even after fulfilling several desires in life.

Suppose a person fulfills one desire to eat tasty food, then on the second day, and a desire to eat some more tasty food. There is no end to the desire in life or say that human desire is endless. It is observed fulfillment of one desire which can give birth to another desire. It happens that fulfillment of one desire brings happiness for a short period, but on the other hand, the list of unfulfilled desire bring unhappiness. A human spends their time and money in the fulfillment of their desire. The simple meaning of desire is that emotion of hopping for any person, outcome, or object. True faith in God is one of the most important things when you pray to God.There is no meaning of prayer to God without faith for God. Still, on the other hand, the fundamental reason for the stray from God is that our mind mostly thinking about the fulfillment of several desire in life and our desire and feeling is more important for the object, thing, person compares to desire or to feel for the God, so that become one of the main reason we stray from our God. One Great God gives humans heart and mind to create feeling and love for God in human life. Everyday we stray further from god why happen with us